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NEW publication: Review in One Earth on sand mining's conflicts and synergies with the UN's SDGs


NEW publication: Review in One Earth on sand mining's conflicts and synergies with the UN's SDGs

Mette Bendixen

In August, colleagues and I published a comprehensive review article ‘Sand, gravel, and UN Sustainable Development Goals: Conflicts, synergies, and pathways forward’.

A short summary of the work we present:

Sand, gravel and crushed stone, collectively referred to as aggregates, are the most mined materials on Earth and constitute the foundation for modern civilization. Aggregates are essential for providing shelter (concrete-buildings), movement (transport infrastructure) and communication (silica-based electronic devices). We review the interconnections between the impacts of aggregate mining and the services they provide and show that the conflicting impacts on the environment and humankind disrupts the net positive effects of aggregate mining on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

The article is available for download HERE