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New grant from the Carlsberg Foundation to include Indigenous voices in potential resource exploitation


New grant from the Carlsberg Foundation to include Indigenous voices in potential resource exploitation

Mette Bendixen

RI grant from Carlsberg.jpg

Photo: David H. Ottosen

I’m very excited to announce that I’ve received a ‘Research Infrastructure’ grant from the Carlsbergfoundation for the project InSAND.

The project 'InSAND: Including Indigenous Perspectives in Emerging Greenlandic Resource Exploration’ will obtain a unique dataset to provide valuable inputs and opinions from the Arctic people themselves about the new and potentially promising road to prosperity; by establishing a sand mining industry.  

The proposed idea of Greenland as a sand-exporting country has gotten widespread attention, and the further process has happened fast, but no efforts to include the perspectives of Greenlanders on sand mining have been made as of yet. 

With a ‘Research Infrastructure’ grant from the Carlsberg Foundation, I am able to give the Greenlanders an opportunity to share their perspectives on what may be a determining factor for their future and their country’s economy. 

In a rapidly changing Arctic, where geopolitical interests are many and strong, it is essential to directly include and engage the local voices when discussing future ways to prosperity.